Family Therapy, Stress Management, Anxiety, Therapy for teens Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Family Therapy, Stress Management, Anxiety, Therapy for teens Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

What to Do When Your Family Won't Go to Therapy

Therapists can go a long way toward breaking down myths around therapy, mental health, and family dynamics, but you can be the one to start that process for your family. You can talk with your family about the benefits of therapy, both generally and in the context of how you think therapy can help your own family.

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Family Therapy, Stress Management, Anxiety, Therapy for teens Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Family Therapy, Stress Management, Anxiety, Therapy for teens Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

How to Better Communicate with Your Teen

The communication gap between you and your teen can be bridged with the careful construction of a respectful, interested connection. You can improve your communication with your teen by keeping calm, being persistent and consistent, respecting your teen as a whole person, and reaching out as often as possible so your teen knows you truly care.

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