Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

How Family Therapy Can Help: Overcoming Struggle through Connection

As a family therapist, I visit with families at many moments in their lives, whether just wanting communication skills or working to repair years of damage. Family therapy can also help when you don’t know what to do when a family member struggles with substance use or how to overcome shared family trauma.

Today’s blog gets into it!

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Teens & Families, Family Therapy Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Teens & Families, Family Therapy Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

Parent to Child, Heart to Heart: How to Help a Teen with Depression

The teenage years, as we’ve all experienced, can be some of the most challenging of our lives. We aren’t quite children, and not yet adults. Teens are navigating new emotions, a flood of hormones, their self-identity, and who they are in relationships. Amidst these changes is the crucial learning of how to cope with it all, for them and for you!

Read on to learn how to help your teen when they’re struggling with depression!

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