Navigating Divorce with Children: Healthy Healing & Co-Parenting Strategies

In the tempestuous sea of divorce, our hearts are cast adrift, battered by emotions we never thought we'd feel. Yet, amid the wreckage, we can find support in family therapy, guiding you through the tumultuous waters of co-parenting.

As a co-parenting therapist who specializes in delivering family counseling to families of all shapes, I’ve put together some of the tips I use most in session.

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Overcoming a Painful Past: 4 Tips for Healing Childhood Trauma

Trauma can impact childrens’ lives in several ways, but it can be hard to tell the extent of the impact for any particular event or ongoing trauma. Children aren’t as able to communicate how they feel or what they’re thinking, and childhood trauma can even impact memory formation, so remembering exact events isn’t always possible. Healing traumatic wounds from childhood once you’ve reached adulthood can be tricky.

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