Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

How Family Therapy Can Help: Overcoming Struggle through Connection

As a family therapist, I visit with families at many moments in their lives, whether just wanting communication skills or working to repair years of damage. Family therapy can also help when you don’t know what to do when a family member struggles with substance use or how to overcome shared family trauma.

Today’s blog gets into it!

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Anxiety and Depression: How They Go Hand in Hand

Whether it’s feeling mistrustful of your own internal compass, feeling out of touch with one or both poles of your personality, or feeling like your family or partners can’t quite understand the complexity of what you feel, it can seem like you might be swallowed whole by the intensity of your emotions.

In this article, we’ll talk about 3 things you can do to deal with anxiety and depression that strikes at the same time!

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Therapy For Men, Anxiety, Individual Therapy, Therapy For Women Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Therapy For Men, Anxiety, Individual Therapy, Therapy For Women Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

How to Treat Panic Attacks: 6 Exercises and Techniques For Preventing and Managing Anxiety

If you’re familiar with the intense feelings associated with panic attacks, you’re not alone. Panic is one way that our body responds when we aren’t mentally addressing the stress, trauma, or environmental warnings that say we are overwhelmed.

In this article, I’ll walk you through some basic practices you can implement to treat panic attacks and to resume control over your body and experience.

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