How to Focus with ADHD
You may have started working from home or alternating between home and a public workspace. Maybe you’re attending school offline, online, or helping a child do so. And between these responsibilities, you’re balancing time with your family and friends. Even when you’re doing your best, giving it all you can, you may still feel like you’re just running on autopilot. You may feel like your mind runs a billion miles a second. You may forget things here and there with so much to do and so many things splitting your time. Sometimes, you might walk into a room and forget why. Maybe you misplace your keys or wallet. Perhaps, you struggle to concentrate on emails and phone calls. It’s normal to feel some overstimulation and distraction.
We all lose a bit of steam sometimes. But attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can make being organized and keeping thoughts and actions in sync more challenging. If you’re feeling stuck, you don’t have to stay there. You’re a survivor. And with an enhanced understanding of ADHD and care and support from professionals experienced in treating ADHD, you’ll be able to survive and thrive. At Haven Family Therapy, clients are encouraged to tap into their natural strengths and discover ADHD tips to follow that effectively empower them to live purposefully.
Feeling Stuck? It’s Not Your Fault
The need to have a sense of meaning in life is universal. It’s natural to want and have a reason for pursuing a satisfying, productive life; to have motivation and goals. This drive is essential for individuals with ADHD because while they struggle to stay on task, their passions will always hold their attention and interest.
Negative generalizations exist that people with ADHD are lazy and unmotivated. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. These individuals can enjoy positive, meaningful experiences of success and fulfillment. But for some, it’s a struggle to find purpose.
In some cases, some people may or may not be hyperactive, but they’re hyper-focused. They may be prone to excessive worrying and unable to shift attention. These individuals may get stuck in loops of negative behaviors and thoughts. Being stuck in a negative loop can ultimately keep children and adults with ADHD from living as satisfactorily and purposefully as possible.
Understand What ADHD Does to The Brain
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition typically marked by a pattern of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention that impedes development and functioning. Individuals with this condition may have lower levels of dopamine—a neurotransmitter that plays a role in learning, pleasure, motivation, reward, and regulating focus in the brain. For this reason, ADHD is more than a challenge of being hyperactive and impulsive. It’s more than a challenge of willpower. Low dopamine levels can influence how interested you are in things and how much stimulation you can handle. Being unmotivated is a common symptom of ADHD that may be overlooked compared to inattention and disorganization.
Likewise, ADHD is a common disorder, so various ADHD tips for success are available. Still, someone who may not be able to get motivated to manage their condition and reach their goals may not improve their situation no matter what ADHD tips they try. For this reason, clients at Haven Family Therapy are not only taught the most beneficial ADHD tips for their health and lifestyle, but they’re taught to find the strength from within to get motivated.
Pro-Health ADHD Tips for the Mind, Body, and Soul
Some of the most effective ADHD tips allow you to build brain health while enhancing physical and emotional wellness. Consider doing some of the following:
Increase physical activity. Research suggests that exercising and staying active are great tips for ADHD symptom management. Long-term, moderate aerobic activity can be beneficial for reducing impulsivity, inattention, and worrisome thoughts in adults and children. Eating nutritiously, getting adequate sleep, and spending less time on phones, computers, and other electronics are other healthy behaviors that can help to practice.
Celebrate victories. Compassion and patience are necessary for treating ADHD, something recognized at Haven Family Therapy. You should applaud yourself for your efforts and successes at focusing. Try rewarding yourself or your child when tasks are completed. For children, short-term rewards like chances to play games after completing tasks can help them shake away frustration and boredom. It allows them to rechannel their energy into something stimulating before refocusing. This can work with and for their symptoms instead of against them.
Start small. There’s never any shame in taking things one step at a time. A tip for ADHD management that can double as a time management solution is to try starting each day with simple tasks. Starting with simple things, especially those you’re good at, can give you a confidence boost that motivates and empowers you to complete subsequent tasks. Try using timers and alarms to keep yourself focused and on track as you see fit.
Listen to Your Mind When Motivation is Low
At Haven Family Therapy, clients learn to find solutions within their own strengths. You already have incredible healing power inside you. Listen to it and allow it to guide your next steps. Lounging around the house unmotivated with low focus is actually normal for individuals with and without ADHD following a significant life change like a breakup, loss and mourning, job loss, or even after the redundancy of staying inside the last two years of the pandemic. It’s natural to lack motivation and inspiration when you have to tackle tasks you don’t like or do things you don’t want to. However, you may find your energy and focus return when you listen to your mind, walk away from what bogs you down, and ask for help.
You may be feeling stuck because that’s your brain’s wake-up call to yourself. Listening to it can enable you to make the best decisions for your present and future. It can motivate you to be courageous and seek the help of a professional. The right clinician can help you find the healing power within yourself and unlock it. Reach out to Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT today to learn more about treatment and tips for ADHD and receive care and support that equips you to prioritize wellness as you overcome challenges related to getting in sync with your thoughts and staying organized.