Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

How Family Therapy Can Help: Overcoming Struggle through Connection

As a family therapist, I visit with families at many moments in their lives, whether just wanting communication skills or working to repair years of damage. Family therapy can also help when you don’t know what to do when a family member struggles with substance use or how to overcome shared family trauma.

Today’s blog gets into it!

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Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT Teens & Families Alexa von Oertzen, LMFT

Seven Tips For A Balanced Summer For Your Teen

As parents, we’re learning to let go, to trust our teen’s inner resiliency, and to believe that they’re going to be okay. Despite ourselves, we can’t help but wonder what kind of toll this past year is going to have on them? How will they be different, and how can we help them find their way back to normal?

Read to learn 7 tips to help your teen have a balanced summer!

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